Givi makes a great range of luggage and accessories for this popular model - check them out below. See the for more details.
Top boxes:
To fit a touring top box or soft luggage on the rear rack, you will need an SR top box kit. The SR3117 requires a separate Monokey plate (for mounting a Monokey top box - M5, M7, M8A, M8B, M9A or M9B), Monolock plate (for mounting a Monolock top box - M5M or M6M) or the EX2M plate (for mounting soft luggage). The SRA3117 kit is compatible with Monokey top cases and does not require a separate plate. or
To fit panniers, you will need a compatible rack. The rack you require will be dependent on what panniers you choose. To fit Monokey panniers, you will need a Monokey rack (PLO3118MK). For Trekker Outback panniers you will need a Cam rack (PLO3118CAM). Or for V37 or V37 panniers, you will need a PLX rack (PLX3117). For hard luggage, you can then choose from any or for soft luggage, choose from the , or .
Tank bags:
To fit a Givi Tanklock tank bag, you will need a BF50 flange, then you can choose from any of the Tanklock bags to suit. If preferred, this bike will fit a tankbag with a curved base, such as the EA143.
PLEASE NOTE: Givi recommends fitting by a qualified mechanic for many of these products.